It’s cool to be uncool. Don’t let teens drink. Just remember, if you provide alcohol to a minor, you could face up to 1 year in jail and fines up to $2,000. So enjoy responsible time with your ‘ohana and encourage positive behavior. Know the law. Know the facts. No drinking under 21.
Start the Conversation
Have you had the conversation yet about about underage drinking and substance abuse with your teen? If not, now may be the time. Kids want to hear from their parents about important topics like this. But, remember to keep fear out of it. Scare tactics typically don’t work here and may even increase a teen’s likelihood of engaging in an undesirable activity.
Bring up the conversation casually instead of lecturing
Reinforce the statistics
Demystify any stereotypes your teen may think are true about drinking
Remind your child to wait until they are of the legal drinking age and then to make smart, informed decisions about deciding to drink
Listen to what your child has to say
Prepare your child for situations where they may be easily peer-pressured by coming up with responses.
Promise more independence and privileges for their honesty
Don’t expect to discuss everything on this subject in a day
Know the Law
Providing alcohol to minors comes with some serious consequences, as does drinking under the age of 21. It’s important to know the law, know the facts and just say no to drinking under 21.
Social Host Law
Recklessly permitting a minor to possess or drink alcohol under your supervision or on your property is a crime. This crime is a misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $2,000. Anyone violating this law could also face other civil litigation.
Source: HRS §712-1250.5
Use or Lose Law
Anyone under the age of 21 caught with alcohol in their possession or in their system will lose their driver’s license for 180 days or more. They will also be required to serve 75 hours of community service and 8-12 hours of alcohol education, and counseling. Anyone age 18-21 violating this law is also subject to up to 30 days in prison and a fine of up to $1,000. Anyone older than 21 violating this law also faces up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $2,000.
Source: HRS §281-101.5
Zero Tolerance Law
Anyone under the age of 21 is prohibited from operating a vehicle with any percentage of alcohol in their system. The consequences include losing their driver’s license/privilege to drive for 180 days, 8-12 hours of alcohol education and counseling, and a $150-1,000 fine.
Source: HRS 291E-64
Server Training Videos
“Under 21 No Can” server training videos is a partnership with the Department of the Attorney General and County Departments of Liquor Control on Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, and Oahu. These two videos were developed to provide servers who work “on-premise” (restaurants, bars, etc.) and sellers who work “off-premise” (retailers, grocery stores, etc.) with information on the consequences of selling alcohol to those who are under 21 years old.
The videos are meant to supplement the employee training provided to licensees by the Department of Liquor Control on Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, and Oahu. It is not meant to replace existing or future training, nor is it intended to be the sole training tool utilized by on-premise or off-premise establishments.
On-Premise Liquor Consumption
Underage drinking prevention educational video for those who work in and/or consume alcohol in restaurants, bars, etc.
After viewing the video please complete a very short survey (only 4 questions) by clicking on the button below. Mahalo.
Off-Premise Liquor Consumption
Underage drinking prevention educational video for those who work in and/or purchase alcohol from retailers, grocery stores, etc.
After viewing the video please complete a very short survey (only 4 questions) by clicking on the button below. Mahalo.
Know the Consequences!
About 5,000 people under age 21 annually die from alcohol-related injuries involving underage drinking. Approximately:
- 1,900 (38 percent) of the 5,000 deaths involve motor vehicle crashes,
- 1,600 (32 percent) result from homicides, and
- 300 (6 percent) result from suicides.
Underage drinking:
- Plays a significant role in risky sexual behavior, including unwanted, unintended, and unprotected sexual activity, and sex with multiple partners. Such behavior increases the risk for unplanned pregnancy and for contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
- Increases the risk of physical and sexual assault.
- Is associated with academic failure.
- Is associated with illicit drug use.
- Is associated with tobacco use.
- Can cause a range of physical consequences, from hangovers to death from alcohol poisoning.
- Can cause alterations in the structure and function of the developing brain, which continues to mature into the mid- to late twenties, and may have consequences reaching far beyond adolescence.
- Creates secondhand effects that can put others at risk. Loud and unruly behavior, property destruction, unintentional injuries, violence, and even death because of underage alcohol use afflict innocent parties. For example, about 45 percent of people who die in crashes involving a drinking driver under the age of 21 are people other than the driver.
- Is a risk factor for heavy drinking later in life and continued heavy use of alcohol leads to increased risk across the lifespan for acute consequences and for medical problems such as cancers of the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, and esophagus; liver cirrhosis; pancreatitis; and hemorrhagic stroke.