Looking for more information about underage drinking and the tools you need to succeed? Please find our suggested links below for youth and parents.
For the Youth
Coalition for a Drug-Free Hawaii – Mission: to reduce and prevent drug abuse in Hawaii through awareness, education, and action.
TeenLinkHawaii – TeenLinkHawaii is a youth empowerment, outreach, and education program that provided information and referral services for teens in Hawaii.
Talk. They Hear You. Campaign – a national campaign on substance abuse prevention to help parents and caregivers start talking with their children early about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs uses.
Department of Community Services, City and County of Honolulu, WorkHawaii Division, Substance Use Prevention Programs – Provides training and technical assistance to prevention providers in order to enhance the current prevention system and build capacity to address substance use issues in the City and County of Honolulu.
E Ola Pono Ma Kapolei Coalition – A coalition whose mission is to prevent and reduce youth substance use in Kapolei. The coalition gathers community leaders, schools, organizations, businesses, residents, and others to call to action to address substance use/misuse in the Kapolei community where people can live resilient, healthy and drug-free lives.
EWAlution 96706 – The coalition works with the community to reduce and prevent substance abuse in Ewa Beach though community collaboration and positive action. EWAlution mobilizes leadership and participation from all sectors collaborating and organizing activities to promote safe and healthy lifestyles, family strengthening, and community pride.
Hawaii Prevention Resource Center – The Hawaii Prevention Resource Center (HIPRC) serves as Hawaii’s center for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention educational materials and resources. HIPRC has a lending library, clearinghouse, references, and technical assistance services.
Honolulu Liquor Commission, City and County of Honolulu – Provides regulatory services to enhance the quality of life in the City and County of Honolulu, and to create a safe and healthy environment for the public. The commission processes and issues all liquor licenses and permit (manufacturing, dispensing, retailing, wholesaling, shipping, storing, etc.) for the City and County of Honolulu.
Honolulu Police Department – The primary law enforcement agency for the City and County of Honolulu. HPD is responsible for preserving public peace, preventing crime, and detecting and apprehending law offenders. In addition to protecting the rights of persons and property, the department enforces and prevents violations of city ordinances and regulations, state laws, and federal laws.
Olelo Community Media – Created to empower the voice of the community by sharing unique and local stories from community producers about the island, the people, and cultures through innovative media.
Proud to be Pono – An initiative through the City and County of Honolulu encouraging people across Oahu to make healthy choices with an emphasis on the prevention of youth substance use.
Waipahu Community Coalition – A partnership of businesses, community groups, public and private service providers, local and state government, faith-based organizations, churches, and individuals to build a safer and healthier community.
Weed and Seed Hawaii – To reduce crime in communities through law enforcement, community engagement, social and economic revitalization, neighborhood beautification, and an investment in the future of youth.
Department of Liquor Control, County of Hawaii – An agency whose functions are to regulate the manufacture, importation, sale and consumption of intoxicating liquors to ensure compliance with state and county laws through enforcement.
Department of Liquor Control, County of Kauai – It investigates all applications for liquor licenses and provides data to enable the Commission to properly execute its duties. The Department has police powers to enforce the liquor laws and inspects all liquor licensed premises to ensure compliance with the State liquor laws and the Commission’s rules and regulations.
Liquor Control Commission, County of Maui – Is responsible for the regulation and control of the importation, manufacture, sale, and service of alcoholic beverages by providing services in liquor license and permit applications, licenses education, site inspections, and enforcement of liquor laws and rules.